Influence is no longer about Job Title
Let's Talk!Employee Influence
Live Employee In-sights
Sentiment Analytics
Curated Conversations
Use your comms platform to discuss life in your organisation
Seed questions straight from Propply into your comms platform
Propply uses ai and machine learning algorithms to analyse and report on employee sentiment
Our dashboarding means you can track employee sentiment in real time
Curated Conversation
Seeding great conversations directly from Propply into your comms platform
Sentiment Analytics
Using sentiment analytics to analyse data in real time
Live Employee In-sights
Presenting live insight into employee engagement and well-being
Employee Influence
Identifying influencers within the organisation to support change
Curated Conversations
We can schedule conversations on any topic you wish, straight from Propply and into your comms platform. This means you can ask about specifics like the conference you have just held, or the bonus scheme you have just launched
Live Employee In-sights
Your dashboard shows you live data in real-time. We separate it into key aspects of the employee experience so that you can see how your employees are feeling about a wide range of working life.
Propply recognises positive contributions, ideas and interactions that individuals have with the conversations you are having meaning you can easily identify your internal “influencers”
Sentiment Analytics
Propply is a custom built ai engine, designed to focus on employee experience. It uses aspect based sentiment analytics to give you new insight into employee engagement and wellbeing
Hot Topics
Sometimes an action or inaction will generate a lot of noise within your business. We track this and flag any Hot Topics that your people are discussing so that you can manage your internal comms strategy
Multiple Dashboards
Our dashboards are customisable enabling you to easily track data on an LTM basis, or versus last year. Show data for all aspects of the employee experience or just those relevant for your purposes. All with downloadable graphs.
“We believe that human beings should use Ai to build better workplaces”
“Your internal communications platform is a treasure trove of unstructured data. We use advanced ai and machine learning to turn it into meaningful, real-time insight. Propply”
Ed Godwin - Founder of Propply